This samskar is performed after Garbhadhaan samskar, (to know about Garbhadhaan samskar please read our previous article). Just like Garbhadhaan this samskar is also performed before the birth of the child (when the wife is pregnant).
The chance of miscarriage is highest when the wife is pregnant for 3-4 months and 8 months thus Pumsavan and Simantonnayan samskar are performed respectively during these months.
Pumsavan samskar shall be performed 3 months after pregnancy according to Vyas smriti.
The child in womb cannot be identified as a particular gender before 4 months thus Pumsavan shall be performed during that time only.
Some Acaryas advised that the samskar shall be performed before the child in the womb starts moving while others suggest that it should be performed before that.
By performing this samskar a male child is obtained
Pumaan suyate yena karmanaa tadidam pumsavanam
Translation- by which act a male is born, that act is known as Pumsavan.
Also both Pumsavan and Simantonnayan samskar shall be performed when the wife is conceiving for the first time as both of these samskaras belong to Matrikshetra, and Kshetrasamskar shall be performed once not every time. It is also confirmed by Maharshi Deval
Sakrriccha samskritaa naari sarvagarbheshu samskritaa
yam yam garbham prasuyet sa sarvah samskrito bhavet
Translation- The pregnant woman once having performed the Pumsavan samskar, already fulfills the need for this samskar for her upcoming children, thus there is no need to do it again and again.
If Pumsavan samskar is not performed during 3rd or 4th month then it shall be performed along with Simantonnayan samskar during 8th month.
This samskar is mainly performed to protect the garbha (child in the womb), to nurture it and to get a healthy child.
Yena karmanaa jaato garbho naavlupyate tadanvalobhanam
The process of performing Pumsavan samskar-
In auspicious nakshatra as advised by an astrologer, the man shall take bath and then sit facing east direction with his wife seating on his left. Then he shall perform Acaman, Pranayam and before these two lit a lamp (the process of Acaman and pranayam has been given in the article – Garbhadhaan samskar)
He shall then take Pratigya (oath) by placing water, akshat (raw rice mixed with haldi), flowers, fruits and recite this mantra-
Om vishnurvishnurvishnuh shrimadbhagavto mahapurushasya vishnorajnaya pravartmaanasya brahamano dvitiyaparaardhe shrishvetvaaraahkalpe vaivasvatmanvantare ashtaavinshtitame kaliyuge kaliprathamcharane jambudvipe bhaaratvarshe aaryaavartaikadeshe (if in Kashi then shall say Anandvane/Gaurimukhe/Mahashmashaane etc.) —nagare/graame/kshetre shashtisamvatsaraanaam madhye —samvatsare —ayane —ritau —maase —pakshe —tithau —nakshatre —yoge —karane —vaasare —raashisthite surye —raashisthite chandre shesheshu griheshu yathayatharaashisthaansthiteshu satsu evam grihgunaganavishishte shubhamuhurte —gotrah sapatnikah —-sharma/verma/guptoham mamaasyaam bhaaryaayaam vidyamaangarbhapumstavpratipaadanabeejgarbhasamudbhavainonibarhandvaaraa punruptodayapratirodhakakarmaparihaardvaaraa cha shriparmeshvarpritaye pumsavanaakhyasamskaarkarma karishye tatra purvaangatayaa ganeshaambikaapujanam svastipunyaahvaachanam maatrikapujanam saankalpiken vidhinaa naandimukhshraadham cha karishye
The husband shall thereafter take the sprouts from the root of a banyan tree and also the sprouts near the tip of new blossomed flowers/leaves. Along with that he shall take the root of Kusha (halfa grass) and Somlata (ephedra gerardiana) or shall take Durva (Bermuda grass) in the absence of Somlata.
Now he shall wash them with water and make a paste and then filter it with the help of a clean cloth.
Then he shall put this paste (it shall be watery) in the right nostril of the wife, and while doing so he shall recite these mantras-
Om hiranyagarbhah samavartataagre bhutasya jaatah patireka aasit sa daadhaar prithivim dyaamutemaam kasmai devaay havishaa vidhem
Adbhayah sambhritah prithavyai rasaaccha vishvakarmanah samavartataagre tasya tvashtaa vidadhad rupameti tanmartasya devatvamaajaanamagre
If a very strong and brilliant (Viryavaan) son is desired then the husband shall keep a vessel full of water in the lap of the wife and with the ring finger he shall touch the womb of the wife while reciting this mantra.
Om suparnosi garutmaa(n)strivratte shiro gaayatram chakshurbrihadrathantare pakshau stoma aatmaa chandaa syangaani yajoosi naam saam te tanoorvaamdevyam yajnayjniyam puchham dhishnyaah shafaah suparnosi garutmaan divam gaccha svah pata
After this the Brahmin shall be given dakshina (money given as donation) and 10 Brahmins (as many as the couple can feed, more or less)
Om adya yathoktagunavishishtatithyaadau —gotrah —sharma/verma/guptoham kritsyaasya pumsavanaakhyakarmanah saadgunyaaarthmimaam dakshinaam braahmanebhyo vibhajya daasye yathaasankhyaakaan brahmanaan bhojayishye
This mantra shall be recited before feeding the Brahmins (Sankalp)
After this the Brahmins shall with Kalash (sanctified water in a pot) bathe the couple. They shall recite these mantras while doing so.
Om payah prithivyaam paya oshadhishu payo divyantarikshe payo dhaah payasvatih pradishah santu mahyam om pancha nadyah sarasvateemapi yanti sastrotasah sarasvatee tu panchadhaa so deshe bhavatsarit om varunasyottmbhanamasi varunasya skambhasarjani stho varunasya ritsadanyasi varunasya ritasadanamasi varunasya ritasadanmaa seed om punantu maa devajanaah punantu manasaa dhiyah punantu vishvaa bhutaani jaatavedah puneehi maa om devasya tvaa savituh prasaveshvinorbahubhyaam pooshno hastaabhyaam sarasvatyai vaacho yanturyantriye dadhaami brihaspateshtvaa saamraajyenaabhi shinchaamyasau (Shukla Yajurved 9.30)
After this the couple shall dedicate the whole samskar to Bhagvan (offer it) by saying this mantra
Anena pumsavanaakhyena karmanaa bhagvaan shri parameshvarah priyataam
In the upcoming articles we shall discuss the next samskaras.