The amount of hypocrites is increasing briskly in our society on daily basis. Hypocrites are the one who are subjected to sentiments without philosophy. Thus just like emotions change their beliefs, practices and entire personality changes from time to time.
The one who does not have a profound intelligent base for one’s practices (activities in daily life) is surely to be considered an ignorant fool.
Nowadays such hypocrites trying to enter the Shastriya (scripturally approved) Dharmic (of Dharma) world try to acquire a good image but would not care to leave or accept certain rules and regulations to please Bhagvan.
They would do everything according to their own convenience and call it out loud that no matter what Bhagvan will be still with them.
If this would have been the case then Sri Ram would not have killed Ravan, Krishna would not have sided with the Pandavas or Sri Shiva would have saved Ravan or Banasur etc.
We have to understand that if Bhagvan’s love is unconditional then it is for everyone not for a single person.
Thus it would be great unjust to a person who puts in efforts to follow Dharma and please Bhagvan. If Bhagvan would mercifully grant moksha or Parampad to a person who never even tried to follow the scriptural canons.
Even though Bhagvan is free to do anything and everything and he could choose to liberate even a sinful person, he would not do so because that would create imbalance in the society, as majority would take up to Adharma as it is easier path to follow (externally).
Now talking about such hypocrites who claim to be loved by Bhagvan in every condition, then what about the reciprocation of love from their side, what are such people doing for Bhagvan, though Bhagvan does not require anything as he is Atmaram (self-satisfied) but in any relationship there is reciprocation of love from each side, thus a bhakta (devotee) though incapable, tries to please his Ishta Devta by various means and Bhagvan reciprocates.
So we have to understand that even though Bhagvan loves everyone unconditionally from the Paramarthik point of view, yet there would not be any expression of love from the Vyavaharik point of view.
Thus such a hypocrite who claims to love Bhagvan and does not follows the scriptures is sure to face 32 armed Yamaraj in hell.
Thus anyone who claims to love Bhagvan or to be devoted to him and does not follow his Varna-ashram dharma or other dharma is a hypocrite and is not be respected as a devotee of Bhagvan.