- The pious activity performed without taking bath does not beget fruits.
- After seeing an inauspicious dream, shaving beard/hairs, vomiting, having done sex, and after going to a shmashaan (cremation ground), one shall always take bath.
- Until a person does not take bath after applying oil on the body, coming back from shmashaan, having sex, and shaving, he is to be considered a chandal (a dog eater).
- In a water reservoir one shall face the sun and take bath, but in a river one shall face the origin of the river.
- The water of a waterfall is more pure than a well’s water, while the water of a pond is more pure and more pure is the water of a river, the water of a holy river is more pure whereas Ganga’s water is the best and most pure.
- By taking bath in a pond made by someone else one gets afflicted with the sins of the pond-maker, but if it is necessary to do so then one shall dig 5-7 handful of mud from the pond before taking bath.
- One shall not take bath just after eating food, if he is sick, during night time, while wearing many clothes and in an unknown water reservoir.
- One shall take bath even during night time if there is an eclipse, also one shall not take bath during sandhya (evening/sunset).
- One can take bath during the night time if a son is born to a person, if there is a sankranti, if one’s relative dies, if there is an eclipse and if moon is present in the nakshatra (constellation of stars) in which a person was born.
- One shall not take bath if he feels tired, and one shall wash his mouth before taking bath.
- If one immediately takes bath without taking rest after being in the sun, his eyesight gets weak and he also gets a headache.
- The water collected in a bell-metal (kansa) bowl/vessel is considered as good as a dog’s urine, thus it cannot be used in Dev-puja, or for taking bath.
- One shall not be fully naked while taking bath.
- One shall always wash his head, without doing so one is considered impure. (only for men)
- One shall not apply chandan (sandalwood paste) before taking bath.
- One shall take bath with hot water on Sunday, during shraddh, sankranti, eclipse, mahadaan, amavasya, shashthi (6th tithi).
- One who takes bath with aamla (Indian gooseberry) on both Ekadashi(s) of a month, as doing so cleanse all the sins of a person and he gets respected even in Vishnulok (the abode of Sri Vishnu).
- One shall not apply oil on the body after taking bath.
- One shall not heavily move his head to dry his hairs.
- One shall fold his cloth (the cloth which is draped during taking bath generally a thin towel) 4 times and squeeze it, if one is in his house he shall keep the end of the cloth downwards and in a river one shall do the opposite. The cloth then shall not be kept on one’s shoulder.
- One shall not wipe his hands on his body after taking bath.
- One shall not wipe his body after taking bath the cloth which one was wearing while taking bath, doing so makes the body as impure as a body licken by a dog.
For the reference of any of the statements one can contact us on-kchaitanya2503@gmail.com.