- One shall always sleep keeping his head in east or south, if one sleeps keeping his head in west or north then the body gets afflicted with diseases and one’s life gets shorter.
- If one sleeps keeping his head in east then one attains knowledge, similarly south direction provides long life and wealth, while west direction gives a lot of stress and north direction afflicts one with death (short life).
- Facing downwards while sleeping, sleeping naked, sleeping on someone else’s bed, sleeping on a broken bed, and sleeping in a house all alone, these acts shall not be performed.
- The bed shall not be small in size, it should not be broken, it should not be misbalanced, neither it should be dirty nor should it be covered with insects. Also it should be covered with a sheet.
- One shall not sleep on a bed made up of bamboo wood or bastard teak.
- One shall not go to sleep without rinsing one’s mouth after eating something.
- One shall not sleep in a temple or a shmashaan (cremation ground).
- One shall not sleep in dark (there should be some light in the room always.)
- One shall not sleep with wet legs, if one sleeps with dry legs then one acquires the grace of Sri Lakshmi.
- Before going to sleep one shall take out tambul (betel nuts) out of his mouth, also one shall stop intercourse (in the original text Dharmasindhu it is not very clear thus we have provided our own interpretation, the verse says “striyam shayanaad tyajet”), one shall remove tilak from his forehead and also remove flowers from one’s head (used for decoration).
- One shall not sleep with a turban.
- One shall not sleep in the day-time*, one shall not sleep in the first and last phase of the night. The third prahar of the night is the best to sleep.
- The one who sleeps during the day or sandhyas (conjunctions of day and night which occurs twice a day) becomes poor and sick.
- The one who sleeps during sunrise or sunset acquires great sin and thus shall atone for it. (only the sick person is excused).
- The one desiring a healthy life shall wake up in Brahma-muhurta.
- One shall not wake up a person roughly (one shall with much care wake up another person).
- If a student, servant, traveler, hungry, afraid person, cook and watchman or gatekeeper sleeps then one shall wake them up.
- * it is prohibited to sleep in the day time but not in the summers, also these people are also excused- children, old people, the one who is tired after having sex, one who is wounded, one who is weak, one who tired of travelling, the one who has not eaten food, the one who has cough/pus, all of them can sleep for 48 minutes, also one who did not sleep in the night can take rest like this.
For references of all these statements one can contact us on- kchaitanya503@gmail.com.