- One shall wash his mouth, both hands and both feet before eating, one who does so lives a long life.
- If one eats food while his feet are wet lives a long life.
- One shall not eat in the dark or when his feet are dry.
- Only the time in the morning and evening is meant to be used to eat, one who does so and does not eat anything in between gets the fruit of observing a fast.
- Food taken for the first time is of the Devata(s), the food taken second time is of humans, the food taken third time is of preta(s) & daitya(s), and the food taken fourth time is of the rakshasa(s).
- One shall not eat in the evening.
- One shall offer food first to the Devata(s), Rishi(s), guests, forefathers and then shall take food for himself.
- One shall always face east or north while eating.
- Eating food facing the east direction provides long life, south direction gives the body of a preta (ghost), while diseases afflict the one who faces west, and north direction provides wealth and long life.
- One shall eat in seclusion.
- The food taken before snan (bath) is equal to stool, the food taken before the chanting of mantra (mantra given at the time of diksha) is equal to blood and pus, food taken before doing havan is as good as insects, the food taken before it being offered to devata(s) and others is as good as consuming alcohol, the person who is without samskar always consumes urine, also the food taken before donating something is as good as poison.
- One can take sugarcane, water, milk, medicine, fruits and betel nuts before taking bath.
- Preta(s) consume the food eaten by a person who covers his head while eating, faces south while eating, wears shoes while eating, does not wash his feet before eating.
- One shall not keep the plate or bowl in one’s lap.
- One shall not eat in a plate or bowl which is broken.
- One shall not sit on the bed while eating or drinking, neither shall one keep the plate in one’s hands nor shall one keep the plate on an asan (seat).
- One shall not eat during mid-night, mid-day, with wet clothes, while seating on a seat meant for someone else, in a sleepy state, standing, on floor, food kept on hand.
- Neither in darkness nor under sky one shall eat anything, also one shall not eat inside a temple. One shall not eat while laughing or crying.
- A person suffers in the narak (hell) named ‘Aruntud’ for as many years as the number of grains consumed during solar or lunar eclipse, and when he takes birth again he suffers with stomach problems, eventually he loses one of his eyes, and becomes teeth-less.
- One shall neither consume nor take the food which is stale.
- One shall not eat the food prepared by a person who has hatred in his heart, the food which is impure, or prepared by a hungry servant, neither the food prepared by a menstruating woman be consumed.
For the references of any of the statement one can contact us on- kchaitanya2503@gmail.com.