1)One shall not wear a single piece of cloth while eating, performing yajna/Yagya, donating something, studying, offering oblations for forefathers (Pitra-tarpan), worshipping the Devata(s).
2)One who is intelligent will not consider those clothes pure which are washed by a washer man, thus those clothes shall be washed by one’s own hands again.
3)The cloth without a border (stitched) shall not be worn.
4)The clothes once used shall be washed necessarily before re-use.
5)Water shall be sprinkled on the clothes before they are taken in use.
6)If one has enough money he shall not keep wearing old and dirty clothes.
7)One shall never wear wet clothes.
8)Wearing red, multi-colored, blue, and black colored clothes is not very good.
9)One shall never change the position of his clothes on his body (for ex- wearing uttari {piece of cloth worn on the chest/shoulder} in the place of dhoti or vice-versa).
10)One shall not wear someone else’s clothes.
11)One shall have different clothes for sleeping, Dev-pujan and roaming outside (other activites).
12)One shall never wear the clothes washed with indigo, one who does so vanquishes his punya (wealth of piousness) of taking bath in holy river, donating, austerity, doing Yagya, studying, pitra-tarpan, etc. The food prepared by a person who wears a cloth washed with indigo, is as good as stool. The one who donates such food goes to hell.
13)One shall always wear uttari/uttariya while studying, answering nature’s call, donating, eating and performing Acaman.
For the references of any of the statements any one can contact us on- kchaitanya2503@gmail.com.