Do’s & Don’ts related to answering nature’s call

1)By urinating or passing stool facing north in the day and facing south in the night, one does not get affected by any dosha (defect), thus one shall do so.

2)One shall answer nature’s call outside and far from home in the south or south-west direction.

3)One shall cover one’s head while answering nature’s call.

4)After going in the south or south-west direction one shall say –

Gacchantu rishayo devaah pishaacha ye cha guhyaka pitrabhutaganaah sarve karishye malamochanam

Translation- The Rishi, Devata, Pishaach, Guhyak, Pitar/Pitra, or Bhootgan, whoever is residing here, shall leave this place as I know shall pass stool.

After this a person shall clap thrice, cover his head and then shall pass stool/urine.

5)One shall cover the land with wood, sand, leaves, grass etc. and cover one’s nose and mouth with cloth and answer nature’s call quietly.

6)One shall not urinate/pass stool while wearing shoes, holding umbrella.

7)One shall not breath heavily while answering nature’s call.

8)One shall not pass stool/urine while standing or walking.

9)One shall pass urine at a distance of 12/16 hands from a reservoir of water, and shall pass stool at a distance of 4 times the distance.

10)One shall not pass stool or urinate under the shade of a tree.

11)One shall neither see his stool or urine nor shall one try to see the sky, sun, moon, directions and constellations of stars.

12)Under the shade of tree, near a well, on the bank of a river/pond, in a cowshed, in a farm/field, in lush grass, in a broken old temple, on crossroad, in shmashaan (crematory ground), on cowdung, in water, on road, near the roots of a tree, near the house of other people, near a pole, on a bridge, in a playfield, underneath a stage, on ashes, in a temple or near it, in fire or near it, on the top of a mountain, on coals, on woods one shall not pass stool and urine.

13)One shall not face fire, sun, cow, Brahmin, guru, women, moon, breeze (the direction it is coming from), water and a temple while answering nature’s call, the one who does so he gets afflicted with low intelligence and short life. Also if a pregnant lady does so or her husband does so then she shall suffer from miscarriage.

One may contact us on- for the references of any of the statements given above.