Dharma boundation or freedom?

Nowadays people are filled with enthusiasm to break free from all types of rules which bounds them to regressive thoughts and culture, and unfortunately Dharma is the main thing that is thought to be the absolute boundation for a person.

Some people reject the Shastras wholly, accept nothing of it and live on their free will, whereas some people try to amend them according to their own convenience and thus become duplicitous.

The intelligence of both of such people has not developed that is why they hold such opinions.

There are two ways- Nivratti and Pravartti. Nivratti means liberation and Pravartti means entanglement.

The more one gets attached to sensual pleasures the more one advances on the path of Pravartti, and the more one takes up to renunciation the more one advances on the path of Nivratti.

Even if a person desires Nivratti he has to take shelter of the path of Pravartti to advance rapidly on the path of Nivratti, for example to make the ball bounce high in the sky, we have to through it with force on the ground.

People shall understand that the Pravartti which ultimately does not lead to Nivratti is Adharma (unrighteousness). That is why the karma (activities) shall be based upon the Shastra(S), as Bhagvan and different rishis have presented profound details on each action and its result so that the human society can follow Dharma and even the Pravartti shall ultimately result in Nivratti.

Dharma is not a boundation, it never was and it will never be one. It is the path to absolute liberation, which frees one from all kinds of distress be it in the form of birth, old age, diseases and death. It leads a person to ultimate happiness which is moksha or Bhagvadprapti.

Just as a student desiring to be a doctor in future has to do a lot of hard work and leave his comfort zone for a particular period to be comfortable for all of his life, similarly the one desiring absolute liberation shall take up Pravartti (Dharma-yukta or the Pravartti which is not Adharma) and aspire and advance on the path of Nivratti and this shall happen so only when one accepts Dharma wholly, without rejecting even a single part.

For a second example as we first pull the string of bow to us to shoot the arrow with much force, similarly we have to contract the sensual gratifying acts to attain moksha or to attain Bhagvan with much briskness.

Thus ultimately we have to come to the conclusion that Dharma is not boundation but the ultimate and absolute freedom giver.