Category: Introduction

  • Namaskar Bandhu

    Welcome to the Hindu blog, if you are looking for any kind of information related to the vast world of Hinduism then you have arrived at the right place.

    In the upcoming blogs we would not be just discussing philosophical conclusions of different schools of Hinduism and itihaas or history, but we shall also discuss the modern situation of Hinduism.

    This blog shall provide you deep insights hidden in every HIndu sect and ritual.

    We are deeply saddened that there is a juggernaut stock of misconceptions filled by many pseudo philosophers pretending to be righteous men.

    We promise our readers that never this blog shall misinform them, also we shall provide references and pure logical arguments to prove the statement correct.

    We hope that we will be able to instill faith, which is now lost in the hearts of many due to various reasons.

    Any reader can also contact us on our mail id- for any kind of inquiry or request.

    We will see you soon in our upcoming blogs.
