The concept of the soul’s coming into existence and its coming into in this world has been explained differently in different cultures.
The Abrahamic(s) believe that the living entities were created at a particular time by God and thereafter the living entities fell from heaven into this material world, they also believe that everyone lives only one time and after death we either reach hell or heaven for eternity.
The question is that as Hindus do we hold the same opinion?
The answer is a clear no, as first of all we or the souls/living entities were never ever created by any one, as we are eternal just like Bhagvan who is also eternal.
We are part and parcel of Bhagvan thus we were never created and never shall we be perished.
The reference is found in Bhagvad Gita itself
Bhagvad Gita (2.20)
Na jaayate mriyate va kadacit
Naayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah
Ajo nityam shashvato yam purano
Na hanyate hanyamaane sharire
Translation- the soul neither takes birth nor dies, it has not, it does not and it will not come into being as he/it is without birth, eternal and primeval. It does not get killed when the body is slain.
Thus we came to know that the soul which means we were never ever created and never shall we will be slain, it is only the body which takes birth and perishes.
We accept different bodies at different times one the basis of our karma or the actions we performed in the past life.
The concept of re-birth is accepted by our scriptures.
Thus we can keep going on suffering in this material world for eternity.
The material world consists not only of earth and hell it also consists of many other loka(S) {planetary systems}.
This material world though created and destroyed again and again, its first creation cannot be traced thus it is also an eternal cycle.
Now talking about falling from God’s kingdom, first of all there is not only one loka (abode) which is eternal and graced by the presence of Bhagvan.
For example Vishnu lives in Vaikuntha, Sri Ram in Saket, Sri Shiva in Kailash, Tripura sundari in Devi dham etc. and in any of these abodes Maya or the illusionary energy of Bhagvan does not bewilders the residents of any of these abodes, and thus the people there reside there eternally and never ever fall under the spell of illusionary energy as they have attained Bhagvan.
There is no question of being under the spell of Maya after attaining Bhagvan, though sometimes to perform Lila (divine plays) such people also act to be under the spell of Maya, but in reality they are always liberated, thus there is no question of falling into material world from Bhagvan’s dham/abode.
We the souls were eternally residing in mahat-tattva and we again and again accept different bodies and the bodies perish again and again, and the path of liberation from this cycle of birth and death can be attained through Bhakti (devotion) marg, Jnan/Gyan (Absolute knowledge) marg or Karma (prescribed duties) marg including Vairagya (renunciation).