Kshat Traayate iti Kshatriya or the one who saves from harm.
Kshatriya is the second varna chronologically among the 4 varnas, they are the warriors amongst the four varnas.
Bhagvad Gita says the following about the qualities of Kshatriyas
Bhagvad Gita (18.43)
Shauryam tejo dhritir dakshyam
Yuddhe capy apalayanam
Danam isvara bhavas ca
Ksatram karma svabhava jam
Translation- A Kshatriya’s natural qualities are being heroic, powerful, determined, excellent, brave in war, generous and a leader.
A Kshatriya is duty bound to save these 5 even at the cost of their lives-
- Brahmins
- Cows
- Women
- Children
- Elderly people
If Brahmins are protected then they will guide the whole society according to Dharma and thus shall uplift the society to divine mental state.
If cows are protected and served then they shall happily bestow auspiciousness and also provide milk from which we can extract different substances that can be used to worship Devatas and thus the society shall be graced by Bhagvan.
If women are protected and cared after then they shall be peaceful at heart and shall remain in Sattva-gun and thus produce children who later in their lives contribute a lot to the society.
(The mother of every great leader or person has always been a great inspiration and idol for the child for example- Shivaji maharaj, Bhishma, Aanjaneya etc.)
If children are protected and looked after with great care then they can be nurtured accordingly and then they shall rise to be great personalities in the future.
If elderly people are given a safe space, then they can meditate in their last phase of life on Bhagvan and thus attain or ascend towards liberation.
Thus Kshatriyas shall protect them all.
Manu smriti says the following about the duties of Kshatriyas
Manu smriti (chapter 1.89)
Prajaanaam rakshanam daanamijyaadhyayanmeva ca
Vishayeshvaprasaktishcha kshatriyasya samaasatah
Translation- for the Kshatriyas saving the people, giving charity, performing Yajnas, studying (Vedas, Artha shastra, Dharma shastra etc.) and not getting attached to sense enjoyment (women, liquor etc.) these 5 are the duties.
Kshatriyas not only protect the people from invaders, enemies, thieves, robbers, but they are also duty bound to save the public or his people from falling from the path of Dharma or righteousness.
They shall make ensure that everyone follows the Varna-ashram system, as it is the base for all the other dharma, by keeping harmony in the society, and by following the dharma himself as the people always follow their leader.
Bhagvad Gita (3.21)
Yad yad aacarati shreshtas
Tad tad evataro janah
Sa yat pramaanam kurute
Lokas tad anuvartate
Translation- whatever the Shreshta (Great/leader) does, the public follows. The world pursue the standard set by him.
In the upcoming blogs we shall discuss about other parts of the Varnashram system.